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Republican candidate Ted Cruz now studies the weekly Torah portion |
The following article by Nathan Guttman appeared in the Forward today. Have we Orthodox Jews become a real force in politics - despite our tiny numbers?
Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have long
appreciated the importance of tapping into the pool of Jewish donors, who are
among the most generous political contributors in the nation.
But until recently, Orthodox Jews have been an elusive
Like their Democratic counterparts, Republican candidates
chose to go after more secular — albeit more conservative — Jewish donors, many
of whom were hawkish on Israel; a demographic embodied in the old-line
Republican Jewish Coalition, founded in 1985.
But now, Republican hopefuls from the right end of their
party’s spectrum are beginning to discover the potential of a separate new
breed of Orthodox Jews — wealthy enough to make significant donations, secure
enough to pronounce their conservative social preferences and fueled by their
anger at the Democratic administration’s policy toward Israel.
The emergence of these new donors has moved
libertarian-leaning candidate Rand Paul to take interest in the Talmud studies
of yeshiva students; it has motivated Ted Cruz to read up on the weekly Torah
portion, and it has sent Jeb Bush to a Modern Orthodox high school to celebrate
Israel’s independence day. Outreach to the Orthodox community is no longer a
novel idea in the Republican camp — it has become a must.
Tevi Troy, a former official in the administration of George
W. Bush and a leading voice among Orthodox Republicans, described the dual
attraction Orthodox donors have, especially to candidates on the right end of
the Republicans’ already conservative spectrum: “Orthodox Jews like the story
Republicans have to tell on Israel,” he said, “and at the same time they’re not
frightened by the Republicans’ social agenda.”
Described by some as “Modern ultra-Orthodox,” these
potential new donors and activists are, according to a longtime Orthodox
political operative, typically “very successful in business, very prosperous,
with a yeshiva background and deeply involved in public life.”
It’s a description that fits Richard “Kasriel” Roberts
perfectly. Roberts, who is now viewed as the biggest Orthodox name in
Republican political giving, lives in an ultra-Orthodox enclave of yeshivas and
synagogues in Lakewood, New Jersey. In the previous presidential election
cycle, he gave $750,000 to the pro-Romney super political action committee
Restore Our Future and $1 million to Treasure Coast Jobs Coalition, another
Republican Super PAC. His total political giving in the 2012 elections exceeded
$2 million.
This time around, Roberts has been spreading his support
between the libertarian-leaning candidate Rand Paul and Wisconsin’s governor,
Scott Walker, a potential presidential candidate who has yet to declare his
In 2013, Roberts invited Paul to visit his home and a nearby
yeshiva in Lakewood, and accompanied and funded the senator’s trip to Israel
the same year. Paul’s views on Israel have been so cool that he was shunned by
the RJC, but they have warmed considerably. As he toured the Lakewood yeshiva,
Roberts described
him as “real” and “authentic.”
On April 27, Roberts’s courtship with Paul continued at the
offices of Torah Umesorah, an association of religiously right-leaning Orthodox
day schools headquartered in Brooklyn. During a meeting with Paul that Roberts
sponsored there, the GOP candidate focused almost exclusively on Israel and the
Iranian nuclear deal. Only one participant asked about schools, an issue where
Paul’s stand in favor of government-funded vouchers for private schools pleases
many Torah Umesorah members.
“He was personable and funny,” said Jewish activist Yaacov
Behrman, who attended the meeting.
“His goal was to quash fears about his views
on Israel.”
Roberts also supported Walker generously in 2012 and gave
him another $10,000 in 2014. The Wisconsin governor, who famously faced down
his state’s public employee unions, has had to work at learning his Jewish
political vocabulary. As a Milwaukee County executive prior to becoming
governor, he confused one
of the most basic Jewish expressions with an incendiary device, wishing a state
GOP official “Molotov” for the upcoming holiday of Hanukkah. But his strong
conservative credentials and his support for Israel have caught the eye of
donors like Roberts.
Walker has also proposed radically boosting the role of
private school vouchers in his state education budget, which would for the
first time allow an unlimited number of students to use taxpayer dollars to
attend private schools.
Roberts, who is a doctor, made his fortune as a
pharmaceutical entrepreneur. Since selling his company for $800 million in
2012, he divides his time between philanthropic activity in the local Orthodox
community and campaign finance activism in Republican politics.
“Obviously I don’t come from the standard yeshivish
background. I went to the yeshivas of Harvard and the University of
Pennsylvania,” Roberts joked in a videopromoting
Lakewood. He called living in Lakewood a “wonderful privilege” that those who
lived in an ultra-Orthodox environment all their life may not appreciate. “We
certainly don’t want them going out into the secular world and seeing how bad
things are in so many other places,” Roberts added.
Roberts did not respond to calls from the Forward.
Black yarmulke donors such as Roberts are no longer a rare
sight in the Republican Party. For years, donors such as California venture
capitalist Isaac “Yitz” Applebaum or telecom executive Howard Jonas were
reliable mainstays from Modern Orthodox communities. Now, the push is on to
register the more conservative elements of the Orthodox community.
Israel has served as a catalyst for these donors’
involvement in the GOP. But a sense of shared conservative values is providing
an additional foundation. The mutual affinity on this front was highlighted
April 27, when Agudath Israel of America, which represents large parts of the
ultra-Orthodox community, filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court,
urging justices not to allow same-sex marriage.
The battle over same-sex marriage has emerged as the main
social issue uniting Orthodox Jews and conservative Republicans. For reasons
tied to nuances in traditional Jewish religious law, the GOP’s emphasis on
restricting abortion rights has resonated less with Orthodox Jews.
The Orthodox community is also not overly concerned about
separation between religion and state, and actively supportive of social
conservatives on issues such as government funding of parochial education.
There is one final factor in the growth of Orthodox givers:
the growing affluence of some members of this community.
“Now, in 2015, you have more Orthodox individuals who are
more affluent than in past years and more interested in being politically
active,” said Nathan Diament, executive director of the Orthodox Union Advocacy
When it comes to voters, as distinct from donors, the
Republicans’ stepped-up outreach to Orthodox supporters at first glance defies
demographic reasoning. The Orthodox community, according to the 2013
survey by the Pew Research Center, makes up only 10% of the Jewish
community, which, in turn, represents a little more than 2% of American voters.
But these numbers tell only part of the story. Because of
higher birth rates and stronger denominational retention, the Orthodox share in
the Jewish community is on the rise, and among those under the age of 18 they
represent 26% of American Jews.
Politically, Orthodox Jews have bucked the broader Jewish
liberal trend and currently lean strongly to the right, with 57% identifying as
Republican and more than half identifying as conservative. Among the
ultra-Orthodox, almost two-thirds say they are conservative.
But the Orthodox role in Republican politics has been
stifled in the past by demography and geography. The community was viewed as
too small to have an impact; moreover, with most Orthodox Jews living in
heavily Democratic districts, their voting Republican made little difference.
For the Republican Party it was a question of priorities.
And for Orthodox Jews, especially those identified by their
black hats and referred to as ultra-Orthodox or Haredi, political activism has
traditionally been directed at local issues of immediate concern to their
community: support for parochial education and for the social services on which
many Haredi families depend. These interests led to strong communal ties to the
mostly Democratic elected officials in their districts, regardless of broader
political approaches.
But today, said Jeff Ballabon, a prominent Orthodox
Republican activist, “it’s no longer only domestic concerns like school choice
‘Orthodox Jews… will be very involved in shaping the [2016]
Republican race.’
vouchers, but also protecting Israel.”
Recently, the broken relationship between President Obama
and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the two leaders’ dispute over
the nuclear deal being negotiated with Iran made the stars align for
Republicans and Orthodox supporters. The feeling that Israel is in dire need of
a more supportive administration has driven members of the Orthodox community
to step out of their comfort zone and back their already existing sympathy for
Republican values with votes and major gifts.
“Orthodox Jews are growing as a segment in the Jewish
community… I believe the community will be very involved in shaping the [2016]
Republican race,” said Nick Muzin, deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to
Sen. Ted Cruz.
Muzin knows this well from his own experience. A doctor and
lawyer by education, Muzin was born in Canada, where he attended top yeshivas
in Toronto. He later attended Yeshiva University in New York. Muzin is the man
behind Cruz’s full court press towards the Orthodox community. The Texas
senator, who has been the most visible among the candidates in reaching out to
Orthodox supporters, told Politico that
he shares “a great many values with the Jewish community and the Orthodox
Muzin, who spends much of his time on the road with Cruz,
takes off for the Sabbath, during which he stays with local Jewish communities.
Cruz, he said, always wants to know about the weekly Torah portion and tries to
work it into his speeches. “He is a religious Christian and has an affinity to
the Jewish community,” said Muzin, who described the candidate’s attitude
toward the Jewish people as “a natural kinship.”
Ballabon, who identifies with the conservative wing of the
Republican Party, believes that Orthodox Jews like himself should be at the
center of the party’s outreach to Jewish voters and donors. “I want to be an
agent of change in these elections, telling people that as much as they don’t
want to admit it, partisanship regarding Israel is a long-standing reality and
it’s a mistake to ignore it or whitewash it,” he said.
Though a bit behind Cruz and Paul, other players in the
field are also now looking to this community for votes and cash. Former Florida
governor Jeb Bush, who is expected to announce his candidacy and who enjoys the
backing of several key GOP Jewish establishment figures, visited New York’s
prestigious Ramaz School, an Orthodox day school, to mark Israel’s independence
day on April 23. In a closed-door question-and-answer session with the
upper-school students, Bushcriticized the
Iran deal negotiated by the Obama administration as “naive.”
For now, the battle within the GOP is focused on donors,
with RJC donors tending to back politicians representing the party’s
establishment, such as Bush and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Orthodox
donors leaning to candidates on the populist right, including Cruz and Paul.
Thanks to the relaxation of political funding regulations,
and to the introduction of super PACs, even just one wealthy backer can play a
game-changing role in sustaining a candidate through the grueling primary
Meanwhile, as voters, the role that Orthodox Jews can play
is limited at this stage. “Clearly, Republicans are not investing in Orthodox
Jews in order to win Iowa or New Hampshire,” Troy said, referring to the first
two states to elect their candidates, both with insignificant numbers of
Orthodox Jews.
But in the general election, the focus will likely shift.
While the large majority of Orthodox Jews live in heavily Democratic states
such as New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California, where their votes may
have no impact on the outcome, there are two states where they might: Florida
and Ohio.
This is not just Orthodox wishful thinking. Political
observers in the community look to an analysis of the 2004 presidential
election, when George W. Bush won the state of Ohio on his way to beating
Democrat John Kerry. Looking through the voting records precinct by precinct,
it was clear that Kerry lost because of weak support in the Cleveland suburbs.
And within those suburbs, those with large Orthodox Jewish populations went clearly
to Bush.
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